What say YOU?

Satan is incredibly clever, we have no idea.  He has successfully swayed our views on the Plan of Salvation and made us forget our purpose…at least for now.

There is a war going on right before our eyes.  It is the war between good and evil.  We are right in the middle of it and we have already picked our side.  But we are forgetting a few things:  We aren’t keeping up with the rule book, we aren’t putting our armor on, we aren’t being a team player, and we consistently question our leaders.

Satan has us right where he wants us.  He has us creating our own rules (the poor me book has been written multitudinous times-nothing new to write about).  We continue modifying, if not completely stripping off, our armor and swinging it around defiantly above our heads.  He has us at each other’s throats-the battle between men and women is his piece de résistance.  And our leaders have been telling us the same thing for far too long and we still don’t hear them.

Wake up and arise from the ashes of the world!  Pres. Hinckley told us to walk right down the center of the path-like we mean it.  Not ride the line where Satan is there waiting.

“We are surrounded by so much that is designed to divert our attention from those things which are virtuous and good and to tempt us with that which would cause us to be unworthy…” Pres. Monson warned us this past conference (May 2008).  He continues, “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood (whenever anyone mentions priesthood it involves me and I need to be listening too), an holy nation, and you can make a difference.”