Enrichment and Activities

There is so much variety in the world today, it’s hard to focus on our true interests.  Because of our busy schedules, it’s easier to just catch a few minutes here and there doing what we like to do.  With work taking so much time, sometimes it’s just preferred to stay home to be with family or relax alone.

RS activities are not meant to clutter our lives.  Entertaining sisters is not worth anyone’s time.  We need to get back to the basics of Relief Society.  Relief Society is all about service, helping others, near and far, performing worthy projects that help our families and those we love.  It is not necessary to clutter our lives while doing something of value.

Instead of planning a six month calendar because we are supposed to, (so we better make it interesting and entertaining), we should be looking at practical and simplified options.  For example:  Get rid of all of the sign-up sheets.  Get rid of all the activities that aren’t really working.  Get rid of the attitude that we have to meet together and do something.

Let’s look at it differently.   What if we were to think like the original RS sisters.  They spent time together in gospel discussion.  They helped one another prepare to come out West.  They gave money to start important projects and organizations such as hospitals, Perpetual Emigration Fund, missionaries, welfare needs, etc.  They helped each other when there wasn’t enough money to go around or not enough men available to help (missions/wars).  The sisters clearly had reasons to get together; a goal in mind, a purpose to fulfill.  And there probably weren’t as many sisters getting together back then either.

I think we need to regain that framework.  Our reasons to get together should add value to our lives whether we are helping someone we love and care about or fulfilling needs within our own walls with the help of others who love us.  Sisters, we have forgotten to need each other.
We have serious issues that we probably need help with:  budgeting and getting out of debt, giving each other strength and moral support when our children stray, emergency preparedness, family history,  discussions to understand the gospel deeper, learning basic skills better.  These are needs that we keep private, unfulfilled or undone.  Why don’t we share, lift one another and succeed together?

By allowing small groups to develop of their own volition, encouraging one another as we take steps to complete the project to the end (generations of family history, get out of credit card debt, work towards a temple recommend or regular temple attendance, form a true habit of regular FHE, scripture study, etc. )  Monitor the progress as you wish, but celebrate together as sisters.  Then start again with something else.  We need to be progressing, but face it, it’s too hard to do it by ourselves.  Set up a system where the proper help is encouraged and go for it.  Succeed!  And may we all gain exaltation because of the process!