Peace in Hebrew

The word PEACE in Hebrew is the well known SHALOM and it looks like this:




I will do this in reverse order from left to right. The first character is a Mem, ם , which means water or the world because the world is mostly covered by water.


The next character is a Vav, ו , which means the veil even the veil of the temple.


The next character is a Lamed, ל , which means rod, staff, or the word of God. The best representation of the word of God is the covenants we make with Him.


The final character is a Shin, ש , which means the eternal flame or the burning bush even the tree of life. The tree of life being a symbol of Jesus Christ.


Therefore, the definition of PEACE, symbolically represented in Hebrew, is that we leave the world, enter His Holy Temple where we make sacred covenants with Him. As we pass through the veil and enter His presence, we reach the Tree of Life and partake of its fruit. 


Another example of how the Hebrew language speaks of God, His sacred covenants, and His Holy Temple.