The Number 15 in Hebrew

In past posts we have looked at the symbolic meaning of the number ten: The Word for the Number Ten in Hebrew, and the number five: The Number 5 in Hebrew.

To review, the number 10 represents the Hand of God and the number 5, means to save or rescue, using one of the Hands of God.

The number 15 is created by adding ten and five together, or in other words:

                                             The Hand of God  +  Saving  =  Mercy.

Hence, 15 symbolically means mercy; God’s grace or divine help to save us using His Hands.

The Book of Mormon comprises fifteen main parts or divisions known, with one exception, as books, each designated by the name of its principal author. The entire Book of Mormon is one of the best examples of the Hand of God (ten) written to save (five) Heavenly Father’s children. Therefore, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a great symbol of God’s mercy (fifteen).