The Promise of—Happily Ever After

In a world that steals dreams, and fosters shallow happiness, our General Young Women Leaders have offered us some safeguarding secrets that are worth having ears to hear.  I know they spoke to the Young Women specifically, but these words are for all women.  I feel a little weird going to this meeting, because I have never served in the Young Women’s and my daughters are grown, but I watched it at home and I fully expect these ideas to enrich my life.

Sis. Dibb gave us guides to live by that are found in the book of Joshua.  We will be covering this book soon in our Sunday School classes; take the opportunity to discuss in depth these words.  In fact, they can be brought up in most any lesson.

These guides are not new; they are eternal.  Instead of boring us, these reminders should let us know that there is always a fresh beginning; an opportunity to start over; a new leaf to turn.  Prayer, Strict Obedience, Daily Scripture Study, and Commitment to Follow the Prophet is our safeguard and if diligently lived, will make our “ever after” happy.

Sis. Cook told us how she encouraged her little granddaughter along a steep, difficult climb.  Women should be doing that for one another all over the world, as well as in our homes and neighborhoods.  As well, each of us can have courage to take on a challenge to further our way, to sing a happy song, and to stay on the path even when it’s hard.  Her helpful suggestions were to gain a strong testimony, seek the help of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, family, and others, and gain the Holy Ghost as our companion.

She spoke about the war that is being waged around us.  This is a pet topic of mine.  I don’t have much sympathy for those who believe in “love, not war”.  Satan is still fighting that original war, and he is fighting dirty.  The LDS Church makes a point not to attack anyone, or anything.  The LDS Church, however, defends.  And as members we MUST defend truth, honor, and righteousness with the power God has given us.  We have to stand against Satan, and all his evil doings.  We must stand for Jesus Christ, and courageously follow His example.  Recognizing the Holy Spirit, and acting on what He tells us, will help us to do so.

Sis. Dalton said, “If you can be dismayed, discouraged, distracted, delayed, or disqualified from being worthy to receive the guidance of the Holy Ghost or to enter the Lord’s holy temple, he wins.  We can’t let Satan win.  She really emphasized the importance of knowing who we are.  We are ALL Queens.  All of us, and we can be women of “deep beauty—the kind of beauty that shines from the inside out.”

Now, don’t we love Pres. Uchtdorf?  Isn’t Sis. Harriet a lucky woman?  She must have known and followed these guidelines all of her life to find her happy ending.

As I listened to his talk, I had to grab pencil and paper to capture thoughts that were streaming through me.  Here they are:

Once upon a time, Heavenly Father presented a Plan, Eve (and Adam) set it in motion, and Jesus Christ, as our white knight, came and saved the day.  We may feel like casual participants, or just observers, when we are really central characters, and co-saviors, along with our most generous Lord of Lord, King of Kings.  We are Elect Ladies.  We are all daughters of God.  We are all royal princesses.  Glamorous faces may gain salvation, but it is a guarantee that beautiful hearts and clean souls will gain exaltation.  Heavenly Father wants us to be happy.  He wants us to live as families; as one big family.  He wants us to be eternally with Him, along with those we love.  He wants us all to live…happily ever after.