I Testify

Is your testimony a private part of you; guarded from just anyone, or deep inside your soul, but to shy to share it? It seems to be a rare occurrence for sisters, in general, to share their feelings for a testimony that is like fire in their bones. I have thought about this a lot as I’m one of those that doesn’t bear testimony too often. I’m beginning to feel I need to repent of this attitude.

In my research, of discovering spiritual giants in Relief Society–like Eliza R. Snow, Isabella Mary Horne, and Sarah Granger Kimball–I am amazed at how powerful these women sound when they testify of Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ, and His gospel. There is no apology, no shyness, no hesitation to claim where they stand, tall and mighty. My love for these women, and their example, grows as I connect with them on a spiritual level. I too can witness of what they attest to, but am I holding back anything that they would not?

by Richard Hook
by Richard Hook

As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the right, and privilege, of feeling His spirit and seeing His works around us on a daily basis. We also have the right and privilege to call upon Him to lift us, bless us, and grant us powerful strength from on high. Through Jesus Christ, we can surmount any temptation thrown our way. We can find peace and forgiveness. And we can live in this world without being overcome by this world.

I have run across many websites run by Christian women, and have to confess, I love to tap into their attitudes. These women are good, and strong, and happy to live righteous lives. In fact, everything they do is centered around their belief in Jesus Christ. They know He’s there, they acknowledge Him daily, and rely on Him openly, and unapologetically, without appearing awkward or ashamed. Mormon women might take a lesson in this.

How can we honestly proclaim Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer without sounding full of pride and self-righteousness? How do we expose our innermost feelings without becoming vulnerable?

I believe it comes through the intent of our actions. As we live as Latter-day Saints, we have to act on our happiness. Show our gratitude in how we serve others. Remember that if we are following the will of our Heavenly Father, then we are satisfied to accept His guiding hand in our lives; accept His answers; and accept who we are becoming. This feeling alone will make our hearts gush out the good news that God is good.

This post, and these random thoughts, comes about for the sole purpose of sharing this video with you of a beautiful Christian woman. Why is she beautiful? Because her countenance speaks of Jesus Christ without fear, shame, or pride.

Mandie Morris from altard.com

I add my own testimony to hers, and everyone who feels as we do. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. He has already paid for the horrendous sins I have made—and may yet make in the future—and He still wants me. His arm is stretched out still. He has forgiven me even before I have fallen to my knees. All the bad things I have done and all the bad things that have been done to me. The price has been paid in full and I carry that receipt of mercy close to my heart. He has given me beauty for ashes and my soul weeps for so good a God.

The feelings of my testimony should not be contained. They should be expressed as well as written for future generations. Sing your New Song for Him; the giver of all good things.